Lifting Heavy for Women: How to Avoid an Injury

Most women are aware that, when they lift weights, the situation is vastly different from when men do the same. For a variety of reasons; different body size and stature, bone strength, and internal biology, there are some things that men need to watch out for when they do heavy lifting, and similarly, women must […]

Injuries: Most Common Injuries for Women

With training comes a unique set of pitfalls depending on what the routine is. Weightlifting, running, aerobics and even yoga all come with injuries that can be sustained if you’re not doing it properly or are doing too much. To compound the problem, women, being built differently to men, need to be aware of the […]

5 Reasons Why Women Should Support Women

We all hear a lot about women supporting women. It is an important part of the long road to equality, peace and cohesion between all people, but the truth of the matter is that many women don’t really appreciate just how important it is for them to appreciate, support and spur each other on. This […]

How Many Days Women Should Work Out Per Week

There is much conjecture about how many days a week a female should look to work out. There are those that think a five to six day a week intense workout regime is the only way to see meaningful, lasting results, whilst others will argue that a few days a week is fine. Alternatively, another […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Rock Your Insecurities

Even the most confident person in the world has insecurities. If they say they don’t, they’re not being honest. We’re human and part of that means we have imperfections, physical and mental. The old guard will tell you that you should step outside and not let your guard down; be confident and ‘fake it til […]

Demotivation: 5 Reasons Why and How to Get Out of This Cycle

Demotivation is one of those walls that can feel impossible to break through. For whatever reason, once that blanket comes sweeping across, it can be an absolute nightmare to try and work through. It can come in many forms; from not having the energy to finish a piece of work we’re almost at the end […]

Cardio: What Is It and How to Start

‘Cardio’ is a term often bounded about that many will reference without fully understanding. ‘Cardio’ in the true sense of the word simply means that it is related to the heart, but that can be used in a range of subjects; medicine, science, and, of course, in exercise and general health. But what actually is […]

Body Flaws: The Most Common Imperfections That Really Aren’t

With all of the pressures from society on how females should look, it is easy to get wrapped up in a cycle of self-criticism, looking at parts of our bodies and most of the time just finding something we don’t like and see as an imperfection. The truth is that most women have something about […]

5 Examples of Female Fitness Guru’s to Spark Your Motivation

For women, fitness can often be impeded and mired by societal expectations. Male preconceptions about the female form, coupled with a lot of fitness influencers and the like being ‘male-centric’ means that an already arduous journey to fitness is made even harder. Thankfully, more and more women are rightfully staking their claims and becoming huge […]

10 Great Fitness Quotes to Boost Your Motivation as a Female

Sometimes, we know exactly what we want to say but we can’t get the right words out. Similarly, we very often want to get out there and exercise or work out, but we just can’t find the motivation. That’s where we should look to others for inspiration. There are some quotes and one liners out […]